Let’s make music together

The Art of Lied 2024

Featuring: Schubert’s Winterreise

Nine days of intensive study of Lieder for singers and pianists, as well as masterclasses and concerts open for the public free of charge.

Come enjoy the exquisite world of Lieder!

Explore collaborative music through Lieder

July 19 – july 27

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, Ontario

Course Overview

The Art of Lied including A Deep Dive into Winterreise

For Singers and Pianists – July 19 – 27, 2024

With Daniel Lichti and Laetitia Bougnol

Masterclasses and Concerts – St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

This program is intended for advanced singers and pianists interested in exploring the rich world of Lieder as equal partners in study and performance. Singers and Pianists will apply as individuals and should indicate any intended partnership with another applicant. Successful applicants who do not indicate an identified partnership with another applicant, will be assigned to a suitable partner when applications are evaluated. Participation will be limited to 6 singers and 6 pianists.

Each Singer/Pianist Duo will have access to private rehearsal space for 2 hours daily (8 days), and will perform in daily 3 hour Masterclasses conducted by Daniel Lichti and Laetitia Bougnol that are open to the public.

Participants will have free admission to a mini-lecture on Schubert’s Winterreise by Leslie De’Ath, Professor Emeritus, Wilfred Laurier University, followed by a performance of the cycle by Daniel Lichti, Bass-baritone and Laetitia Bougnol, pianist.

Participants will collectively perform Winterreise in a public concert, and participate in a final public concert of Lieder they will have coached in the course of the 9 day workshop. Each pair will also be expected to prepare two pieces appropriate for inclusion in a Protestant Church service (July 21) in one of Kitchener’s downtown churches as thanks for the use of rehearsal/concert pianos.

Course Details

In this program, singers and pianists will work in pairs studying Winterreise and their favourite Lieder with the guidance of two masters of the art. The program will culminate with all participants offering a collective performance of Winterreise to the public on the 26th, and a concert of their favourite Lieder on the 27th.


The masterclasses and concerts will primarily take place in the sanctuary of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Downtown Kitchener, Ontario. Close to the church, there is a wealth of options for food and lodging within a short journey by foot or public transit.

Lodging Recommendations
  • Green Gables Guest House (ask for musician’s rate)
  • Hotel Laurier
  • Nearby Airbnbs

Performance Opportunities

There are currently 5 performance opportunities planned for program attendees to participate in.
Attendees can expect to perform:

  • Two sacred works in a church service for a downtown congregation on July 21st
  • Lieder selections in 2 private house concerts on July 21st and July 24th
  • A section of Winterreise in a collective performance of the cycle on July 26th
  • Lieder selections in a public concert on July 27th

Masterclass Instruction

Participants will receive instruction in the form of Masterclasses running from 2pm – 5pm each day in the St Andrew’s sanctuary. Each 3 hour Masterclass session will be divided evenly among the pairs of participants. The Masterclasses will be open to the public.

Practice and Rehearsal Space

Each pair of participants will be assigned a space with a piano at a downtown church near St Andrew’s where they can practice and rehearse from 10am – 12pm daily.


Participants should come with the following repertoire prepared:

  • The Winterreise song cycle by Franz Schubert
  • 3-5 Lieder selections
  • Two sacred works (anthem and offertory) to be performed in a church service on July 21st


For information on the application process, please visit our application page.

Course Schedule